مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين

مرحبا بك فى مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين ويسعدنا أن تسجل لدينا لكى تقدم وتعرض موضوعاتك ويسعد الجميع بها وشكرَاَ

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين

مرحبا بك فى مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين ويسعدنا أن تسجل لدينا لكى تقدم وتعرض موضوعاتك ويسعد الجميع بها وشكرَاَ

مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين

مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين من أعرق المدارس فى محافظة الشرقية 1923

    وكمان امتحان لاتنسوا الدعاء بالشفاء

    the spectrum
    the spectrum

    عدد المساهمات : 21
    تاريخ التسجيل : 30/10/2010

    وكمان امتحان لاتنسوا الدعاء بالشفاء Empty وكمان امتحان لاتنسوا الدعاء بالشفاء

    مُساهمة  the spectrum الجمعة يناير 14, 2011 11:28 am

    1- FINISH THE Following DIALOGUE :
    Ola : Oh, No, we haven't got any bread
    Ashraf : I'll buy some for you on my way home
    Ola : Thanks , Could you also buy some potatoes ?
    Ashraf : We have already got some
    Ola : Oh, Yes, I didn’t see those .Have you got enough money for the bread ?
    Ashraf : yes, thanks
    Ola : Which shop are you going to go to ?
    Ashraf : The baker's
    1- The sky has suddenly gone dark , Someone asks you what you think about the weather in the near future . what do you say ?
    I think it is going to rain
    2- someone asks your opinion about a book you have read
    it's very interesting
    3- a friend asks about your holiday plans for next summer ,your plan is to spend a month in Turkey
    I'm going to spend a month in Turkey
    4- someone asks about your age on your next birthday
    I will be seventeen
    5- someone asks you what famous Egyptian you admire
    I admire Dr Zewail
    1- My uncle lived in Australia ……………….three years
    a- since b- ago c- for d- during
    2- I ……………never travelled outside my country
    a- has b- have c- am d- was
    3- A professional …………….helped Abu-Heif to become a famous swimmer
    a- trainer b- train c- training d- trains
    4- I couldn't run any farther because I was completely ……………………….
    a- tired b- exhausting c- tiring d- exhausted
    5- The Old Man and the sea is shorter ………………A farewell to Arms
    a- than b- as c- that d- to
    6- To many people , The old man and the sea is Hemingway's …………….novel
    a- good b- best c- better d- well
    7- some people think that Dickens is the ………………..important English novelist
    a- most b- more c- very d- much
    8- Mr and Mrs Mohammed are …………………….and wife
    a- son b- father c- brother d- husband
    9- Our ………………fill with air when we breathe
    a- ears b- eyes c- lungs d- hands
    10 – it took the taxi two hours to reach the station because of the ………jam
    a- car b- traffic c- vehicle d- accident
    4- REWRITE :
    1- I finished my homework and then I watched a DVD ( After )
    After I had finished my homework , I watched a DVD
    2- I was so extremely tired that I slept for twelve hours ( exhausted )
    I was so exhausted that I slept for twelve hours
    3- Leila can't find her school bag ( lost )
    Leila lost her school bag
    4- there isn't a longer river in the world than the Nile ( longest )
    The Nile is the longest river in the world
    5- Fill in the spaces :
    One day, there will be no oil left , Every one knows that, but more and more people
    Are travelling by plane. This is because air travel is cheaper than ever before .
    It is sometimes cheaper to fly to another country than to travel a hundred kilometers on a train . As well as using fuel , plane produce air pollution .We can't stop air travel , but we should think carefully before we decide to fly .
    1- What was the old man's job in " The old man and the sea "
    He was a fisherman
    2- why couldn't the old man pull the fish to the boat ?
    he was old and weak
    3- why couldn't the old man sell the fish he had caught ?
    the sharks ate it
    4- Do you think it was a good idea for the old man to go fishing alone ? why ?why not ?
    No . because he was very old
    5- why do you think Manolin was worried about the old man after he returned from the sea ?
    he thought the old man was in a very bad condition
    6- How do you think the old man and Manolin felt at the end of the story ?
    they felt they can't be apart
    8— Translate into Arabic :
    1- Ernest Hemingway was a talented American writer كان ارنست هيمنجوى كاتبا امريكيا موهوبا
    2- Santiago couldn't catch a fish for a long time لم يستطع سانتياجو صيد سمكة لوقت طويل
    3- The Arabs had a great civilization in the pastلقد كان العرب أصحاب حضارة عريقة فى الماضي
    4- Engineers designed electric cars قام المهندسون بتصميم عربات كهربائية
    9— Translate into English :
    1- عبر ابو هيف القنال الانجليزى Abu Heif crossed the English Channel
    2- نحن نذهب الى المدرسة سيرا على الاقدامWe walk to school
    3- لقد قابلت بعض الاصدقاء بالامسI met some friends yesterday
    4- لقد حققنا الكثير من التقدم فى بعض المجالاتWe have made a lot of progress in some areas

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت أبريل 27, 2024 5:33 pm