مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين

مرحبا بك فى مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين ويسعدنا أن تسجل لدينا لكى تقدم وتعرض موضوعاتك ويسعد الجميع بها وشكرَاَ

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين

مرحبا بك فى مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين ويسعدنا أن تسجل لدينا لكى تقدم وتعرض موضوعاتك ويسعد الجميع بها وشكرَاَ

مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين

مدرسة ههيا الثانوية بنين من أعرق المدارس فى محافظة الشرقية 1923

2 مشترك

    للصف الاول الثانوى مفاجأة Review .A.with answers

    the spectrum
    the spectrum

    عدد المساهمات : 21
    تاريخ التسجيل : 30/10/2010

    للصف الاول الثانوى مفاجأة Review .A.with answers Empty للصف الاول الثانوى مفاجأة Review .A.with answers

    مُساهمة  the spectrum الجمعة يناير 14, 2011 11:07 am


    Mohammed : What's your memory like ?
    Hassan : it's quite good
    Mohammed : Are you good at remembering numbers ?
    Hassan : yes , I'm .
    Mohammed : Can you remember people's names easily ?

    Hassan : yes , I can.
    Mohammed : Are you any good at maths ?
    yes ,I am very good at maths Hassan :


    1- my brother …………… a lot of money from his job as a pilot

    a- pays b- earns c- costs d- gives

    2- before his shows starts , the man ………….himself to everyone who comes in

    a- says b- introduces c- names d- remembers

    3- if I ……………..a camera , I would take a photo of the family party

    a- had b- have c- has d- would have

    4- if you………… very fast , you will catch your train

    a- ran b- running c- runs d- run

    5- my brother ………………a goal in a school football match yesterday

    a- played b-scored c- won d- received

    6- if I felt tired , I'd go to bed

    a- early b- today c- later d- before

    7- someone who studies soil and rocks is called an ……………..

    a- biologist b- astronaut c- geologist d- pilot

    8- someone who writes for a newspaper is called a ………………..

    a- journalist b- novelist c- teacher d-biologist

    9- Neil Armstrong ……………on the moon in 1968 .

    a- walk b- walks c- walked d- walking

    10- while he ……….as a journalist , Charles Dickens was writing magazine stories

    a- works b- working c- is working d- was working

    I 'd like to tell you about my best friend Jonathan
    I've know him all my life , we used to play together known
    When we was very young , we went to the same school were
    and spending most of our free time together , if I have spent
    a problem of any kind , he always help me helps
    Everyone knows Hossam Hassan .He is one of the best Egyptian football players of all time. He has scored more goals than any other Egyptian footballer . Hossam was born in Cairo in 1966. He started playing for Al-Ahly , but he has played for other famous teams He has played in Switzerland and other countries Hossam's brother also played over 100 matches for the Egyptian national team , but is now retired .
    1- Why did Oliver Twist run away to London ?
    when he asked for more food , he was punished
    2- Who did Oliver work with in London ?
    he worked with a gang of thieves
    or bad person ? Give a reason . 3-Do you think Fagin is a good
    he is very bad as he thought them to be thieves
    4- How did Mr Brownlow help Oliver ?
    he told the police not to arrest him and took him to his house
    5- How do you think Oliver felt when he discovered that Monks was his half brother ? Give a reason .
    very disappointed as brothers are supposed to help each other
    6- Do you think the rest of Oliver's life was happy or not ? Give a reason .
    I thin it was happy as he joined a new happy family
    7—Write a paragraph of 7 sentences about one of your good friends :

    My friend's name is Youssef . He lives in Luxor . He is at secondary school . He is interested in playing music . His father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher .

    He has two sisters and one brother. He lives happily with his family

    8— Translate into Arabic :

    1- Mr. brownlow was a kind-hearted man . كان السيد براونلو رجلا طيب القلب

    2- Dr Taha Hussein was a professor at Cairo University

    كان الدكتور طه حسين استاذا بجامعة القاهرة

    3- The Ancient Egyptians were clever engineers كان القدماء المصريين مهندسين بارعين

    4- Nabaweya Musa was the first Egyptian woman to go to high school

    كانت نبوية موسى اول امرأة مصرية تلتحق بالمدرسة الثانوية

    9— Translate into English :

    1- الدكتور زاهى حواس عالم اثار مشهور

    Dr Zahi Hawwas is a famous archeologist

    2- اننى مستعد لمساعدتك تماما

    I'm always ready to help you

    3- يعمل ابى مهندسا فى مصنع للسيارات

    My father is an engineer in a car factory

    4- نحن اقوياء وأغنياء

    We are rich and powerful

    عدد المساهمات : 11
    تاريخ التسجيل : 10/01/2011

    للصف الاول الثانوى مفاجأة Review .A.with answers Empty رد: للصف الاول الثانوى مفاجأة Review .A.with answers

    مُساهمة  gafferessam الجمعة يناير 14, 2011 10:42 pm

    bounce جهد عظيم حاتم بيك ودعوة لكل طلاب الاول الثانوى للاستفادة من هذا الجهد العظيم
    the spectrum
    the spectrum

    عدد المساهمات : 21
    تاريخ التسجيل : 30/10/2010

    للصف الاول الثانوى مفاجأة Review .A.with answers Empty يارب الاستفادة لكل الطلاب

    مُساهمة  the spectrum الجمعة يناير 14, 2011 10:52 pm

    All what I want to hope is that every student will benefit from these questions.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الإثنين أبريل 29, 2024 3:03 pm